
FMUSP SÃO PAULO / SPProf. Amaro Nunes Duarte-Neto is a Brazilian infectious diseases physician and pathologist, Associate Professor at the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (FMUSP). For the last 15 years, he has been working on autopsies (conventional and minimally invasive) and studying the pathology of infectious diseases, especially haemorrhagic fevers in Brazil, such as yellow fever, leptospirosis and, currently, dengue. He has experience in the pathology of severe respiratory infections (COVID-19, influenza and Mpox), the pathology of immunocompromised individuals such as AIDS and post-transplant conditions, the pathology of tuberculosis, and fungal diseases. He is currently leading a project on preparedness in anatomical pathology for rapid response to future epidemics (PREPARE) in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, funded by the Brazilian Research Council (CNPQ). Prof. Duarte-Neto is a member of the Arbovirus-associated mortality and One Health group in the State Government of Sao Paulo, and also member of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Brazilian Society of Pathology.
FMUSP Sala 1163
08:30 às 18:00 - Curso Pré-Congresso de Patologia Tropical
Coordenador (Confirmado)
FMUSP Sala 1163
08:30 às 18:00 - Curso Pré-Congresso de Patologia Tropical
Palestrante (Confirmado)
Grande Auditório (Piso zero)
15:00 às 17:00 - Mesa-redonda: Vigilância e Saúde Única: atuando na interface homem-animal-ambiente
16:00 às 16:20 - Respostas rápidas na vigilância de doenças emergentes potencialmente fatais
Palestrante (Confirmado)
Grande Auditório (Piso zero)
10:45 às 12:15 - Mesa-redonda: Mpox - onde estamos, o que sabemos?
11:25 às 11:45 - Achados de necropsia - o que além da pele?
Palestrante (Confirmado)